Customer Testimonials

Hear what customers are saying about Pentecost Fishing!

“I can't say enough good things about our crappie fishing experience with Tim Pentecost! I purchased a crappie fishing trip for me and my dad for a Christmas present and we had a fantastic day! We met Tim at Little River Marina and from the time we jumped on the boat we had a great time. Tim put us on some great fish and we wound up with 53 slabs! If you are looking for a quality crappie fishing trip on Weiss Lake...look no further than Tim Pentecost!”

“I originally booked a trip with Pentecost Fishing but the day me and my grandson were supposed to go out was going to be a rough day fishing. Tim told me it wasn't looking to good and if we wanted to reschedule to another date that would be best. We rescheduled for another day and we wound up with 57 keeper crappie. I will definitely book another trip with Tim! Not only is Tim a skilled crappie angler, he will shoot your straight on whether or not you will have a good day! Thanks Tim, I can't wait 'til the next trip!”

“Me and my dad booked a crappie fishing trip with Pentecost Fishing and had a great time! Tim is a great fishing guide and an even better teacher. It was the first time that I had cast a bobber on a 12' rod took some getting used to but after a few tries we got the hang of it. If you are looking to catch crappie, Tim's your guy. More than that, if you are looking to learn how to fish for crappie, Tim is a great teacher. We had a blast and will book Pentecost Fishing for many more trips in the future!”

Book Now For An Unforgettable Lake Weiss Crappie Fishing Experience!

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